Tax Investigations


Corporate tax planning

Corporation tax represents a substantial part of your trading costs.

Estate planning

Few of us like to think about dying, but equally few of us could live with the thought that we have not made…

Personal tax planning

With the tax regime becoming more complex and more emphasis being put on taxpayers’ individual responsibilities,…

Retirement strategies

Everyone hopes to maintain the same standard of living in retirement as they presently enjoy while working, but to…

Self assessment

Many taxpayers struggle to understand the complex tax returns and complete them correctly.

Trusts and executorships

Trusts are relatively easy and very tax efficient way to set aside for future beneficiaries outside of the…


Value added tax is one of the most complex and onerous tax regimes imposed on business – so complex that many…

Tax Investigations

We understand that smaller accountancy practices often do not have the time or resources to deal with H M Revenue…

Why do you need a specialist accountant?

We understand that smaller accountancy practices often do not have the time or resources to deal with H M Revenue & Customs’ enquiries into clients’ affairs. Given that H M Revenue & Customs now have new powers of investigation, enquiries are likely to become more intrusive and time consuming.

LEES assist smaller practitioners with H M Revenue & Customs’ enquiries into clients’ affairs, giving them the support they need and enabling them to focus on their normal everyday workload.

LEES expertise extends to the following areas:

  • Enquiries into sole traders and partnerships
  • Small and medium sized limited company investigations
  • Capital gains tax and property valuations
  • Employer compliance reviews including CIS
  • IR35 and employment status cases
  • Property income enquiries

LEES can help by:

  • Providing initial advice regarding the enquiry
  • Assisting in the collation of material required
  • Corresponding and negotiating with H M Revenue & Customs directly
  • Presenting cases to Tribunals and Commissioners
  • Appointing third parties such as barristers and tax counsel as required
  • Agreeing a final settlement and closing the enquiry
  • Contact us now – click the chat icon!